Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ruby bundle installation on a Slicehost install (Ubuntu 10.0.4)

1. sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
2. sudo apt-get install sqlite3
3. sudo apt-get install rubygems
4. sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby
5. sudo apt-get gem --update system
6. sudo /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/update_rubygems
7. sudo gem install bundle
8. bundle install
9. rake db:schema:load

Why Bundle takes seems basic Slicehost installs with 256MB aren't sufficient to make bundle install work well. Fixed in, but it still runs too slow on a basic Slicehost instance.

Deploying to memory-constrained servers

When deploying to a server that is memory-constrained, like Dreamhost, you should run bundle package on your local development machine, and then check in the resulting Gemfile.lock file and vendor/cache directory. The lockfile and cached gems will mean bundler can just install the gems immediately, without contacting any gem servers or using a lot of memory to resolve the dependency tree. On the server, you only need to run bundle install after you update your deployed code.

You can update to the latest 'bundler' version, but I found it still didn't fix things.

1. git clone
2. sudo gem-install rake
3. sudo gem-install rake1.8-dev
4. sudo rake spec:deps
5. sudo gem-install rcov
5. sudo rake

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