The SDE-5001 device comes with Dynamic DNS support through their service. When you register your device at this site, you also create a Product ID. The URL will then become part of the URL (i.e. Assuming your device is configured for the Dynamic DNS service, this web service will redirect your browser to the IP address with META HTTP refresh tags(<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="/>).
One trouble that I encountered was that the stock firmware 1.0.0 when using the iPolis DynDNS had a User ID and password prompt, but you couldn't fill out the password prompt through a web browser much less through the infrared control. I noticed today that Samsung has released the 1.0.2 firmware that probably fixed this bug (, but there are very few instructions about how to go about doing so. The first thing you need to do is to verify which firmware to use, since some of Samsung's firmware include material codes.
To upgrade the firmware, it turns out that you have to download the .zip file to a USB drive in the root directory and then insert this device into the DVR. You then have to go into the System Management section of the DVR and wait 20-30 seconds before a screen shows up. If the DVR recognizes there is a USB device (USB hard drives may not work), it will indicate a "Upgrade Software" button that you can use. I tried several times and often got "Upgrade Failed", so I eventually decided to unzip the image and place it on the same drive while switching to a smaller 32GB flash drive. Eventually after trying different USB sticks and unzipping the firmware files, I got the upgrade to succeed.
There also isn't much documentation about how to setup port forwarding. If you navigate to the Protocol section, you will also noticed that the protocol type is set to TCP, port 4520, webviewer port 80:
You can also see at the bottom of this picture is "TCP Port 4505-4530, Webviewer Port 80". According to the SDE 5001 User manual (, what this section really means is:
Multi Browser Support : You can use a Silverlight-compliant web browser to connect to the Web Viewer. Multi browsers are enabled only if the TCP port is set to between 4505 and 4530 with the Web Viewer port of 80. This is a security measure in order to enable Silverlight.
Basically it means that the Samsung DVR really only works with Internet Explorer. You also appear to need to set TCP ports 4505-4530 open, as well as port 80 to make it work. It appears that you can choose either TCP or UDP connection mode, so the grayed out parameters seem to apply for whichever mode.
For good measure, I setup TCP port 80/4505-4530 and UDP 8000-8160 port forwarding to support both modes.
Also, if you connect with a non-Safari and non Internet Explorer, you get a blank white screen. If you look at the JavaScript for the page, the reason is that this section of the code has specific checks whether to even render the login page if you're not using Safari or IE. You can bypass by adding the same parameters at the end (i.e. http://[YOUR IP]/cgi-bin/webviewer?ip=0&_port=0) but you still need Silverlight/ActiveX plugins and it still appears to render a blank screen.
There is a mobile app, but the Samsung IPolis appears to be broken for Android Jelly Bean 4.2: You can connect and request channels, but no video panels will render. I looked through a bunch of forum comments and people have been complaining that the latest update broke things ( You can use the IP Cam Viewer app for IOS and Android, which is described in this blog post.
Finally, if you're wondering about what RTSP port should be used for the IPolis mobile app, it should be the last port defined in the range (i.e. for port range 4520-4524, use 4524).

Footnote: there is a major security vulnerability that is still unpatched in the web interface software. For more details, see
Thanks , finaly it works :) My problem was that the RTPS port was set to 554 .
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I'm hoping you might be able to provide some suggestions/insight with the problem I'm having viewing security cams remotely. From the local LAN I can connect to the SDE-5001 and see the cams no problem. I have it setup for port 8080 and RTSP set to 4520-2524.
ReplyDeleteI have the firewall setup with NAT and port forwarding so that any request to the public IP address on port 8080 is forwarded to the DVR on port 8080. I also setup the NAT and port forwarding for TCP ports 4520-4524 to the DVR on the same ports.
When I attempt to view the security cams remotely I get the login screen and I'm able to login successfully. The Web Viewer screen is displayed but the controls are greyed out and no video/images are displayed just a black box. The public IP address is displayed along with "/ No Response". I have a feeling the issue is related to the RTSP ports but I don't know what to try or change.
The same problem occurs trying to view the cams using the ipolis app. It logs in successfully but no video is displayed. I've tried specifying RTSP port 4524, 4523, 4522, 4521, and 4520. I read (here and in the documentation) that it should be set to 4524. That worked great when using a wi-fi connection on the local LAN but not remotely.
Any suggestions / recommendations?
Any suggestions?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteTypo: In first paragraph "RTSP set to 4520-2524" should be "RTSP set to 4520-4524"
ReplyDeleteI believe it's the Silverlight ports you also need to open up (4505-4530). You will be able to connect but none of the images show up indicates that there are some ports being blocked.
ReplyDeleteThe documentation in the Samsung manual isn't very clear but basically it reads as:
Multi Browser Support : You can use a Silverlight-compliant web browser to connect to the Web Viewer. Multi browsers are enabled only if the TCP port is set to between 4505 and 4530 with the Web Viewer port of 80. This is a security measure in order to enable Silverlight.
Your router should probably be able to open up a TCP port range instead of adding things individually. Let me know if this info helps!
Thanks for the quick response! I opened up 4505-4530 but no change at all.
ReplyDeleteAny other suggestions? It seems like it should be easy. I'm really stumped. I even analyzed the network traffic to see if my PC was trying to send to any other ports but didn't see anything. The Samsung documentation is limited at best unfortunately. Your blog seems to be the best source of detailed information.
Thanks again...
Try compatibility mode in IE worked for me.
DeleteCan you confirm that you're on TCP mode (as the screenshot shows)? The UDP should be grayed out, indicating that the protocol is not being used. If UDP mode is on, then the ports indicated on the screen need to be opened up. I've had a case where I accidentally had UDP turned on and switching to TCP solved it.
ReplyDeleteYes it's definitely in TCP mode with the UDP parameters greyed out. Thanks for the tip about port 943 I'll try that in the morning and report back. I'm definitely willing to try anything you can suggest at this point. I didn't think the problem would be due to the Silverlight ports since it doesn't work on the ipolis app either - unless that uses Silverlight too?
ReplyDeleteHi Bill,
ReplyDeleteRemoved your email for privacy reasons. I tried sending there but the email bounced.
Can you verify you can telnet to each port remotely? That will check port forwarding is working.
i.e. telnet x.x.x.x 4521, telnet x.x.x.x 4522, etc.
Also, if you connect to 4524, you should also be able to authenticate via the RTSP protocol:
OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 1
Hitting an extra enter should yield a response from the camera.
I can't telnet to the DVR on those ports so I'll have to verify the firewall settings and see if I can get it to work. I'll let you know what I figure out. I know I set the firewall to forward those ports but apparently it's not working or not working correctly.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for your help
Thanks for posting this - you saved me from tearing my hair out this afternoon. Really seems like they didn't test this thing at all prior to release, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteAnyone got autologin for the samsung DVR's working?
ReplyDeleteThe app does it via GET commands but has a few checks to prevent using that in a browser so would be great if there's a way to do single sign on (users are authenticated via Radius before connecting already).
I finally got my client's remote access working. In addition to the http port being used (in my case we went with 9000 which is then NAT'd to 80 by the firewall) we had to also open and NAT 9001. Not sure why but that's what stopped it from working. I thought it might have been related to the RTSP ports but it wasn't. I was able to monitor the firewall log and see the blocked request on port 9001 and that's when I knew there was an issue with it.
ReplyDeleteMy client and I both have problems using the Samsung iPolis client though. I have Android and he has an older iPhone. iPolis seems to work on newer iPhones okay. I installed IP Cam Viewer Lite on my phone and the older iPhone and it worked great. Only problem is that it's limited in the free version to 6 cams.
Thanks for all your help!
Scratch my comment about the iPolis app not working. I forgot that you mentioned that with iPolis you need to set it to the last RTSP port in the list. I had configured it with 4520 instead of 4524. After correcting the port it works!
ReplyDeleteNice informative post. I have manageg to get iPolis to work but cannot get the DVR to send alert emails. I have tried different ports, secure/ non secure authentication, bashing the uniot with a hammer and none have worked.
ReplyDeleteAny enlightenment would be gratefully recieved
I have been pulling my hair out over this! Just bought SDE 3003n and for the life of me I can't get the mobile app or browser based iPolis to work if I am not in the network. It works perfectly if I am in the between. I have the port forwarding properly configured. But it will NOT work! Interestingly, SmartViewer DOES work over WAN, which is weird. But from a web browser or mobile app not in local network, nothing! Any thoughts? I've tried everything, including buying a new router and modem, and still nothing. BTW I have SDR3100 at work (practically identical software), and everything works flawlessly. Any thoughts?
ReplyDeleteAre you attempting to access the SmartViewer over the local network? If you use the direct IP address of the host on the local network, do things work? (vs. the DNS hostname)
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. I had already lost some hair over the setup for remote viewing, but eventually pieced it together!!!
ReplyDeleteMy SDE-5001 problem:
One of my camera connections got water in it and corroded. I cleaned it and tried to place it in a position that would not get driving rain, but 2 weeks later again the camera goes out and upon inspection the pins were corroded again. This time I needed to replace RJ45 connector.
Foolishly I did not disconnect the other end of the cable from the DVR and I think when I cut the end off I might have shorted the unit..even though you would think that would not blow a circuit, but when I went back to look at the monitor to see if the connection was good, the monitor was completely blank and while the blue power light was on, the unit appeared otherwise off with only the fan running.
When I tried to reboot, nothing...I then took the cover off and turned it on and noticed that the drive was not spinning up.
I tested both power supplies and they were good, so that led me to believe that some circuitry was blown that drove the hard disk.
Of course when I checked the warranty I was just outside the time frame, and Samsung support gave me a $199.00 repair estimate!!! Therefore I thought the next logical thing to do was to purchase a new unit (unit and power supplies and mouse only) SDE 5001 for $275.00.
I thought/hoped that all I needed to do was to swap out the old drive for the new one, and all my settings would be there, but after getting the unit in and swapping the drive I found out that the drive is not recognized and after the program booted, all the settings are stored in Bios.
So my question is:
1) For future use, how can I get the system to recognize the old drive? The new unit came with a 1T Western Digital, and the old unit is a 1T Seagate.
2) Is there any way to transfer all the settings stored in BIOS from the OLD unit to the NEW unit. That would be great so that you dont have to go through an entire setup procedure again.
Appreciate any help.
Maybe someone can help me. i have an sdr5100 installed at my office. all ports are set up properly. ipolis says they can connect as well remotely. when i try to access it from home on my iphone via the Verizon LTE network i have no problems. but, when i turn on wifi and use my Comcast network and try to connect to the cameras it says it cannot connect to the server. any help would be appreciated. thanks - rob
DeleteThanks Roger, after reading your instructions it took me less than 5 minutes (total time like 2 days 5 minutes) to get it working by setting up the TCP ports to 80/4505-4530 and UDP 8000-8160 port forwarding to support both modes. I did this on an Airport Extreme, AEX. I had to turn off the Comcast built in router/wifi and bridge it to the AEX, Originally the Comcast Modem/Router did plug and play with the ports when it was connected directly to the Samsung DVR, but when the AEX was added I had to open up the ports. Thanks again!
ReplyDeletehello i wonder i have the sde5001n and im trying to set this up for myself and my dvr is set up through the ip adress i wonder do i have to reset it and put it through the samsung ipolis?
ReplyDeletesome one please help me out. i cant see my sde-5001 through my iphone. I can see it through wifi but not remotely. I tried everything that i could read. two days of non stop searching. if some one can walk me through step by step i would be grateful. and ill send you 50 bucks through paypal. thanks
ReplyDeleteHead's up to all...I just started digging more and discovered that Samsung's WebViewer software has a security flaw that allows anyone to obtain any user or admin passwords available. For more information, see I would suggest taking your WebViewer port offline and relying on IP Cam Viewer's RTSP authentication. Samsung has yet to correct this issue and it is a major security flaw that essentially allows anyone tto gain access into the web interface.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good blog site. Thanks to Roger.
ReplyDeleteI did a installation for about 10 - 15 working hours, 75% of them were stuck at DDNS before I found this blog, It is very misleading somehow, when I setup the DVR , it always say failure to connect to the server. Anyway, this blog does provide very valuable reference info.
I use iPhone 5 / iPolis, It return "cannot connect to the network" many times then it will suddenly click for no reason.
I have been working on a Q-See DVR and the DDNS connection service was rather smooth.
My final comment to Samsung DVR is " Love it and Hate it " , since my customer is using it, so I will be coming back for info sooner or later.
Apparently I'm in the same boat as several others. I have the samsung sdr-3100, and after two horrible days I was finally able to get it to work properly.
ReplyDeleteBut my issue is the app.
As mentioned before, it works absolutely fine as long as I'm connected to my home wifi. I have a samsung galaxy s3. My husband has an iphone 5. Neither one of us can view without being connected to our home network.
I'm not a hundred percent tech savvy, but I'm sure I've done everything as it should be. Seeing as this is a common issue, is there any possible way to overcome it? I'm sure someone has. If not we're going to return it. It cost too much for there to be this many faults within their system.
I'm in the same boat as robbieturbo.
ReplyDeleteYou should try to telnet into ports 4521 and the hostname to verify that your port forwarding is configured correctly. You should also verify that the same hostname is set in your configuration is not using an internal IP. If you cannot connect to the hostname, chances are your router/port forwarding needs to be setup.
ReplyDeletetelnet 4521
Keep in mind there is a security vulnerability currently that will allow anyone possibly to download your username/password once you put it online.
Hello I setup the forwarding VIA DMZ would this not work? I can't seem to login to the DVR locally either. Smart View and quick connect both cant find the system. I can connect to the websever remotely and it asks for a login and password, but once it logs in IE either crashes or displays a black screen and sometimes says my ip address/ no response. Ipolis does not work either it logs in and shows my dvr but it says failed to connect on each camera. Any help would be appreciated. Something weird I noticed is the behavior of the router. Normally I am use to routers assigning an internal IP address and you use that IP to connect locally and a seperate (real) IP to connect externally. I am also use to routers not allowing loopbacks on a real ip, but the router is not assigning a local IP so I really dont understand that part. Dont really care so long as I can get it working though. The router is a 3801HGV uverse broadband router/modem.
ReplyDeleteThanks again,
I'm having the same problems as most. We had all this setup and working and then all of a sudden the mobile app wouldn't work anymore. It will work as long as I am inside the house and on wifi but not outside of the house. The webview works fine as long as we're in the house too. Any ideas? Also changed our provider services about the time the mobile app quit working.
ReplyDeleteSo how do you change the TCP on the DVR settings to have 4505-4530? The other side is grayed out and cannot be edited? I don't have any firewall connected to all ports are open. My only issue is browing it in Safari.
ReplyDeleteI'm having a strange issue and hope you may be able to help...SDR-5100 DVR accessed via no-ip DDNS-- Web Viewer works just fine via Silverlight on a PC using Internet Explorer. On Mac OS X using Safari, Silverlight loads, briefly flashes the black window, then reverts to the circular blue dots with 100% in the middle -- this issue is present when accessing remotely using no-ip DDNS, but the issue is NOT there when my Macbook is connected to the same network as the SDR-5100.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking it has to be some type of port issue, but what port would Silverlight on a Mac be trying to use that Silverlight on a PC doesn't? Using port 80 and ports 4520-4524.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
you better to try port is 943
DeletePossibly port 943? Silverlight uses this port too.
ReplyDeleteTried port 943, no dice. When I'm on the same network as the DVR and access via IP address, Silverlight within Safari has no problem. When accessing via DDNS, the login screen appears, the login is accepted, the blue dot circle quickly shoots up to 100%, then stalls. Any other ideas or troubleshooting steps would be appreciated! Is there a way to perhaps see what ports are being hit successfully when on the local network then seeing which ones may fail when trying DDNS? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteadd plugins or install quick time player to view the cameras online
DeleteYou could if you setup VmWare on MacOS and loaded a virtual image of Windows ( and watch the network traffic coming across the virtual network device. That's what I've done in the past to see what's going on.
ReplyDeleteYou are a gentleman and a scholar, thank you.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate some advice… My SDR5001 was working for both web and mobile viewing but now:
ReplyDelete-Web login fails with "incorrect login" (Same password as the DVR itself right?)
-Mobile fails after briefly displaying the camera list. (Camera list then disappears, and prompts me to connect to a camera channel, which is impossible since non are displayed…
Any help is much appreciated. thank you.
Hi, How do you set-up the dvr mailing service?
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if anyone knows the direct camera feed url to display each camera feed?
ReplyDeleteSamsung DVR DDNS initial set up error - Unable to find router. MyDDNs set up in advance, ports forwarded, can view over browser via LAN but not off lan. iPolis will work if set to ISP over house LAN only, iPolis on DDNS address setting errors- "can not connect to equipment". Any idea how to resolve the DVR - can not locate router error (quick connect set to ON)
ReplyDeleteThanks for using this blog its very helpful for solving router problems. Good work. Please visit this link…….
ReplyDeleteChanging the ports from 554-558 to 4520-4524 did the trick for me. I could login fine but all the cameras tried to connect but timed out to a "no entry" type sign.
Changed to ports and now it works fine.
Thanks for this... FYI, this applies to other Samsung DVR and NVR as I have a SNR-1670D!
Erm........ Recently I am looking for better solution Network Cameras, and my friends has recommended Vivotek PT7135 Network IP Camera to me, so, just wondering to know, is this model better than Samsung SDE-5001 DVR....... Maybe need some advice.....
ReplyDeleteSamsung SDE-5001 DVR is nice, I never try Vivotek, but I heard Vivotek is nice also, maybe you can try and let us know~ hah....
ReplyDeleteActually is it need to install network camera by our self???
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know how to setting up the Vivotek IP Surveillance for online views?
ReplyDeleteTried to register on the site, "ipolise" but show me an error message (incorrect information), but I've entered correctly?
ReplyDeleteOk so I want to set up my sde 5001 for remote viewing. How do I do this.. to be clear.. I have everything set up and working perfectly that is if I want to view the camera on my phone/laptop when I'm connected to the same network as the camera. But I want to be able to check my camera when I'm anywhere. How do. I set this up? Please help
ReplyDeleteThere is a mobile app, but the Samsung IPolis appears to be broken for ...
ReplyDeleteGreat and informative information you have shared, which is knowledgeable. Thank for sharing. Keep me more updates.WorldEyeCam
ReplyDeleteThis was very helpful, thanks for the great tutorial. visit more info Gmail Support You can reach Acetecsupport at their Call Toll Free No +1-800-231-4635 For US/CA.
ReplyDeleteWhen setting up the DDNS, I receive an error message that states "Ports are being used. Please change port numbers" for the SDS-P5102 product. What are the steps I need to complete to resolve? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteSame Issue Here, Its so annoying smh. Keep getting "PORTS ARE BEING USED. PLEASE CHANGE PORTR NUMBERS". Ive tried everything i could, no luck at all. Wish someone knew what to do.
DeleteHelp please, I have a sds-p5102 and had it working with the settings out of the box. Then it just stopped working and said please complete the device settings at your next access. I tried changing the ports that were forwarded, switched frrom static ip to dynamicand nothing seems to work. right now I have port at 88 and the port range at 4505-4530 all forwarded through my wrt310n router. any help would be great
ReplyDeleteI've been having difficulties setting up remote viewing through the iPOLis app (v 2.5) for an Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S3) and finally figured out how to fix it. The fix was so simple, I was amazed it caused so much headache. Short answer, your DDNS address is CASE SENSITIVE!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'll explain. Within the app, one of the things you need to enter is the DDNS (Dynamic DNS), this is the Product ID. Say for example, your Product ID is BrownFox, then, in the DDNS field you would enter: "". If you entered: "", you will receive an error that the app cannot connect to your system.
I hope this helps someone else who was having similar problems and saves them hours of searching and tweaking the settings on their DVR, router, and mobile app.
I am also having problems viewing my cameras on my mobile phone (iPhone 5s). After I turned off and turned on my modem/router, I later discovered that on the Samsung SDR-3100 menu: Network > DDNS > Quick Connect > is now says "failed to find router". Can someone help me in suggesting what I need to check and fix this so that I can again view it on my mobile phone? Basically it worked fine until I turned my modem off and turned it on again.
DeleteDid you figure it out? I'm getting failed to find router too
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My IPOLIS is only viewable on my home network. After I leave my network, my cameras are no longer visible. After going crazy for days and trying everything that I can find on the internet, I finally figured out that my Internet service provider blocks port 80. So I put it on port 81 and POOF. It finally works. I can finally see it no matter what part of the city I travel too.
ReplyDeleteRitchie, did you ever solve this issue? I am having the same problem on my system. The DVR says that iPolis cannot find router. I have all of my port forwarding rules set. I have verizon fios
DeleteSamsung has yet to correct this issue and it is a major security flaw ...
ReplyDeleteShard’s IP Camera Installation, wireless cameras and cloud cameras allow you set up a security system without the need to run wires around your home or business.
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This is for anyone that stumbles across this thread while searching for help. When upgrading, use a fresh USB stick with nothing else on it to copy the files onto. If the upgrade fails, then use the DVR menu to format the USB Drive and copy the files for the upgrade over to it again. This was the only way I could get it to work on the one I was trying to do it on. Just thought this might be helpful for someone having issues with the upgrade.
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ReplyDeletethanx for posting...
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SDR-5100 port 4520 ~ ... phần mềm IPOLiS sử dụng port máy?
ReplyDeleteHi it was very informative post. Thank you for sharing this information.
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FYI, I had the same issue when connecting from outside the firewall with the Samsung app but it worked fine internally on the same network. My previous Samsung SRD-1650 didn't have this issue but it also didn't have the Secure Video Transmission option in the Port settings page. The moment I set it to OFF again as it is by default, it started working externally. I have not had a chance to mess around with the ports in the firewall as I suspect turning this feature ON requires extra ports to be forwarded. Possibly a firmware upgrade might have a fix for this problem, assuming there is a new update for your Samsung DVR device.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWe purchased the Samsung SDR-B3300 system. Got it up and running but had trouble viewing it via the internet. To get it to work, I added it to the DMZ in the router. I downloaded and installed the Webviewer software from Samsung's website. Using Internet Explorer, I am now able to log into our DVR and view our cameras
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ReplyDeleteI set up Lighttpd to point at the directory where Motion was creating video files so that I could go and check periodically to see if any new events had been captured. This works well - I just set up my home router so I could access the http over the Internet and then download the AVIs to my laptop or whatever.
ReplyDeleteOxford Security
I didn't read through the comments, but this article seems to be very popular on google. Along with this article, this PDF helped me out tremendously! Thanks everyone for posting!
ReplyDeleteso i have a weird problem. i can view my cameras by ipolis ap as long as i am not connected to my own wifi. i have to be on 4g or someone elses wifi to view cameras? does someone know what setting i am missing?
ReplyDeleteso i have a weird problem. i can view my cameras by ipolis ap as long as i am not connected to my own wifi. i have to be on 4g or someone elses wifi to view cameras? does someone know what setting i am missing?
ReplyDeleteI have the model SDR-5102N2T, can view the cameras remotely just fine via IPOLIS v2.7.1 for android. However, if viewing for a period of time, connection is lost and when attempting to access again, I get "Connection Failed". I have found that having some one powering off/on the DVR, the connection is re-established. Is there any other way to do this remotely as it appears that it is not disconnecting properly - thus can not get back in??
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I have the SDR-5102 and am trying to use the ddns IPOLIS. The IPOLIS default server on the DVR is - but this server has been changed to (products can't be registered on samsungipolis) and I can't change or know how to change the DVR default ddns server.
ReplyDeleteI get a "Failed to find a router" - i think because the default server is the old one samsungipolis
am getting the same issue, all other devices working fine, this one is giving failed to find a router
DeleteI am also having the same issue! I wish I knew that iPLOiS was changing to because I am constantly getting "Failed to find router" message and it annoys me that I can't change the default address to Has anyone been able to get this issue solved? Please message me if you do!!! -
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