Sunday, October 16, 2011

Debugging Celery tasks locally

Want to make sure your Celery tasks work correctly before you deploy? Here are a bunch of useful tips you can do:

First, set the root logger and "celery.task.default" to use DEBUG mode:
import logging 

Set ALWAYS_EAGER mode so that Celery will always invoke tasks locally instead of dispatching to the Celery machine.

Set EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTION so that any exceptions within tasks will be bubbled up so that you can actually see any exceptions that may cause your batch calls to fail (i.e. any uncaught exception can cause a fatal error!)
from celery import current_app
current_app.conf.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True

from celery.utils import LOG_LEVELS
current_app.conf.CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL = LOG_LEVELS['DEBUG']  # pretty much the same as logging.DEBUG

Finally, if you are invoking a task from the same Python script, you should import the task_name as if it were being imported, even if the function is declared within the same file. The reason is that when running the Celeryd daemon and looks for registered tasks, Celery will consider the task function you invoked to come from the "__main__" class. The way to get around it is to import the task residing in the same file, assuming your PYTHONPATH is set correctly.

from celery.decorators import task

def task_name():
   print "here"
   return 1

if "__name__ == "__main__":
  from  import task_name


(Note: This information has been updated to reflect Celery v2.3.3 inner-workings).

1 comment:

  1. I have managed to get Pycharm to remote debug celery tasks
    add the pycharm-debug.egg to project

    The create a remote debug configuration
    and add the following to your celery task

    from pydev import pydevd
    pydevd.settrace('localhost', port=6901, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True)

    The start the remote debugger and then the celeryd process.

    This will trigger break point inside Pycharm. I have been looking into a reload process for changes inside the task.

    hope this helps

