Monday, December 31, 2012

How LinkedIn's JS API implements JavaScript parameters

If you've looked at LinkedIn's API, you may have noticed that they follow a curious approach to providing script parameters to an external JavaScript file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="">
  api_key:    [API_KEY]
  onLoad:     [ONLOAD]
  authorize:  [AUTHORIZE]

Initial inspection seems to suggest that you are declaring three separate JavaScript variables: api_key, onLoad, and authorize. In actuality, you are just defining text inside the script tag that gets parsed with a bunch of regexeps and removing of whitespaces.

Basically the code below appears to extract out the innerHTML and then set the variables r and K to be the key/value pairs. White spaces are removed with the replace() function.

        try {
            m = f.innerHTML.replace(A, n)
        } catch (z) {
            try {
                m = f.text.replace(A, n)
            } catch (y) {
    m = m.replace(J, "$1").replace(A, n).replace(F, n);
    aa = C.test(m.replace(j, n));
    for (var T = 0, S = m.split(k), q = S.length; 
    T < q; 
    T++) {
        var s = S[T];
        if (!s || s.replace(j, n).length <= 0) {
        try {
            V = s.match(g);
            r = V[1].replace(A, n);
            K = V[2].replace(A, n)
        } catch (X) {
            if (!aa) {
                console.warn("script tag contents must be key/value pairs separated by a colon. Source: " + X)
        N(r, K)

Some of the regexpes are defined at the top of in.js:

var R = {
        "bootstrapInit": +new Date()
    }, p = document,
        l = (/^https?:\/\/.*?linkedin.*?\/in\.js.*?$/),
        b = (/async=true/),
        D = (/^https:\/\//),
        J = (/\/\*((?:.|[\s])*?)\*\//m),
        F = (/\r/g),
        j = (/[\s]/g),
        g = (/^[\s]*(.*?)[\s]*:[\s]*(.*)[\s]*$/),
        x = (/_([a-z])/gi),
        A = (/^[\s]+|[\s]+$/g),
        u = (/^[a-z]{2}(_)[A-Z]{2}$/),
        C = (/suppress(Warnings|_warnings):true/gi),
        d = (/^api(Key|_key)$/gi),

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