Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What socket error 536871025 means..

We started seeing these errors:

_librabbitmq.ConnectionError: Error opening socket: Unknown error 536871025

We use the same approach to determine what this number means
>>> hex(int(536871025))
>>> hex(int(536871025))
>>> int(0x71)

The socket error refers to No route to host..

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Troubleshooting Jenkins plugins in IntellIJ...

Having spent many sleepless nights over the past 2 years trying to fix random issues with Jenkins plug-ins that constantly are breaking, I finally got tired of the standard logging and reading source approach and decided to try to setup an environment that allowed for easy debugging. Jenkins's Wiki about setting up plug-ins was fairly unhelpful.  For instance, for JetBrains' IntelliJ IDE users, there are 2 sentences explaining how to setup a test environment:

"IntelliJ 7.0 (or later) users can load pom.xml directly from IDE, and you should see all the source code of libraries and Jenkins core all the way to the bottom. Consider installing IntelliJ IDEA plugin for Stapler to make the development easier."

Here is what I ended up doing with IntelliJ v13.  The nice part is that you can setup a Jenkins test environment for the plug-in very quickly.  You don't need to install Jenkins and then reinstall plugins each time you make a change.  You can even setup breakpoints that can be triggered while running a test Jenkins site.

1. Install JDK 8.  JRE installed will not allow you to debug or run tests.

2. Install Maven3 according to

brew install maven

3. git clone (or whatever plug-in you want to troubleshoot)

4. Edit the pom.xml to match the current Jenkins release you're using.  I found that I needed to test on v1.549 simply older versions were not able to support some of the newer plugins that have been breaking.
3. Open up IntelliJ and import the pom.xml file as a new Project.  The dependent modules should be listed.

5. Go to IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences.  Find Maven.  Make sure all the appropriate directories are setup.  You shouldn't have to make any changes but the Maven home directory should be setup if you've correctly installed it.

6. Go to Tool Windows -> Maven Projects.

7. The Maven Projects window should appear on the right.  Make sure that the Jenkins profile is clicked.  Click on the package Lifestyle, which should start triggering the dependencies to be downloaded.

8. Once dependencies have been retrieved, the Plugins section should appear.  Find the hpi Plugin, which will allow you to spawn a Jetty server and setup breakpoints for your plug-in.  Right click on the hpi:run option in the menu and run as Debug mode.

9. You can then access http://localhost:8080/jenkins, which should give you the landing screen for Jenkins.

All the Jenkins-specific configurations are done within a work/ directory, so if you decide to open a new project for a different plug-in, you can setup a completely new Jenkins environment.  If you decide to make a code-change, just stop the debugging and restart.  The plug-in will be recompiled and the Jetty web server will be restarted.  Any breakpoints and variable inspection can also be done.

I used this approach to diagnose issues with Jenkins' git-client-plugin, which has had a whole host of problems recently.  For instance, there were several revisions leading up to v1.6.1 (which is currently the latest release) that simply didn't work -- the syntax to call Git was plain wrong.

The latest v1.6.2 snapshot has problems with Git repos that rely on HTTP-based credentials. One issue occurs in the shared use of a function that attempts to validate a repo URL. There are assumptions that an existing Git workspace exists, which aren't true if you're first trying to configure a new build job.  By setting breakpoints to where the offending issue was occurring, I was able to pinpoint quickly and introduce a PR to the discussion below: